Saturday 3 December 2011


The stempost (ášta) and the apron (kóntra ášta) were the most arduous to fabricate among all of the construction parts. Thanks to modern computer technologies of designing and plan transferring many problems were avoided. There are known many cases in traditional boatbuilding, where the construction parts did not fit together, so that the boat builders were forced to intervene with a more drastic measures requiring to reshape the parts. The pictures below show the main milestones in our fabrication of the abovementioned parts.

The planing is followed by the transfer of lines from the boat plan with carbonless copy paper.

The view on stempost, apron and stemson after cutting with band saw.

Sanding with belt sander till the marks.

The holes for the bolts were drilled after joining the stempost and apron .

Rasping the inner edge for the planks to fit.

Manual planing of the outer lateral surface.

Making of the grooves, where the first two timbers join with the stempost.

Side view on finished stempost and apron.

Another view from below.

Applying a protective coat made of red lead tetroxide, linseed oil and synthetic turpentine.